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   "token_caption": "83J0T6TD0: GreyPeak 2021-1 - Junior Tranche Token (GPK21-1-JR)",
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   "token_label": "GreyPeak 2021-1 - Junior Tranche Token",
   "token_ledger_id": 110,
   "token_entry_type": "Type 500: Detailed data with ITC",
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   "itc_reu_v090": "",
   "itc_eep_v100": "EEP23DT",
   "itc_tts_v100": "TTS42ET03",
   "itc_llc_v100": "LLC32",
   "itc_ein_v100": "EIN06BS",
   "itc_lit_v100": "LIT61PV",
   "itc_reu_v100": "REU52",
   "itc_eep_full_v090": "",
   "itc_tts_full_v090": "",
   "itc_llc_full_v090": "",
   "itc_ein_full_v090": "",
   "itc_lit_full_v090": "",
   "itc_reu_full_v090": "",
   "itc_eep_full_v100": "EEP23DT: Investment Token > Debt Token",
   "itc_tts_full_v100": "TTS42ET03: Ethereum Application Layer Token > Ethereum ERC-1400 Standard Token",
   "itc_llc_full_v100": "LLC32: Relative Rights Token",
   "itc_ein_full_v100": "EIN06BS: Finance and Insurance > Banking, Custody and Financing Services",
   "itc_lit_full_v100": "LIT61PV: Legal Entity > Private Sector Legal Entity",
   "itc_reu_full_v100": "REU52: Crypto Asset out of Scope of MiCA",
   "created_at": "2021-09-09T12:54:19.352Z",
   "updated_at": "2021-12-03T13:48:55.656Z",
   "itc_eep": "EEP23DT",
   "itc_ein": "EIN06BS",
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   "itc_tcm": "",
   "itc_ems": "",
   "itc_emo": "",
   "itc_rta": "",
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   "token_issuer_name": null,
   "asset_namespace": null,
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   "itc_tcm_full_v110": "",
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   "itc_emo_full_v110": "",
   "itc_rta_full_v110": "",
   "itin_formated": "83J0-T6TD-0",
   "issuers": [
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         "issuer_name": "Cadeia",
         "issuer_legal_entity": "Cadeia GmbH",
         "issuer_address_line_1": "Holbeinstraße 14",
         "issuer_address_line_2": "",
         "issuer_postal_code": "81679",
         "issuer_city": "München"
   "ledger": {
      "ledger_id": 110,
      "ledger_label": "Ethereum",
      "ledger_type": "Blockchain",
      "ledger_hash_function": "KECCAK-256",
      "ledger_gh": "d4e56740f876aef8c010b86a40d5f56745a118d0906a34e69aec8c0db1cb8fa3",
      "ledger_gh_id": 42,
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      "ledger_gt": "2015-07-30T15:26:13.000Z",
      "ledger_fn": "9200000",
      "ledger_ft": "2020-02-01T09:30:49.000Z"
   "caip": {
      "chain_namespace": "EIP155",
      "chain_reference": "1",
      "asset_namespace": null,
      "asset_reference": null,
      "token_id": null,
      "explorer": null
   "itc": {
      "v0.9": [],
      "v1.0": [
            "itc_class": "LIT61PV",
            "itc_order": "44030000",
            "itc_class_level": 3,
            "itc_class_label": "Private Sector Legal Entity",
            "itc_class_desc": "The Subcategory \"Private Sector Legal Entity\" captures Issuers of Tokens that possess a legal personality and form part of the private sector. As such, Private Sector Legal Entities include private and public companies, associations, foundations or partnerships.",
            "itc_class_label_full": "LIT61PV: Legal Entity > Private Sector Legal Entity",
            "itc_version": "v1.0",
            "itc_gener_auth": "ITSA (www.itsa.global)",
            "itc_class_ultimate_class": "LIT",
            "itc_class_parent_class": "LIT61"
            "itc_class": "EEP23DT",
            "itc_order": "40330000",
            "itc_class_level": 3,
            "itc_class_label": "Debt Token",
            "itc_class_desc": "The Subcategory \"Debt Token\" captures all Tokens to be categorized as debt instruments (category D) according to the Classification of Financial Instruments (CFI, Classification of Financial Instruments (CFI, ISO 10962), including but not limited to bonds, convertible bonds, asset-backed securities, and structured debt products.",
            "itc_class_label_full": "EEP23DT: Investment Token > Debt Token",
            "itc_version": "v1.0",
            "itc_gener_auth": "ITSA (www.itsa.global)",
            "itc_class_ultimate_class": "EEP",
            "itc_class_parent_class": "EEP23"
            "itc_class": "EIN06BS",
            "itc_order": "41630000",
            "itc_class_level": 3,
            "itc_class_label": "Banking, Custody and Financing Services",
            "itc_class_desc": "The Subcategory \"Banking, Custody and Financing Services\" captures Issuers of Tokens that are active in areas ranging from retail, commercial and investment banking over trust, fiduciary and custody services to platform-based P2P lending and other financing services.",
            "itc_class_label_full": "EIN06BS: Finance and Insurance > Banking, Custody and Financing Services",
            "itc_version": "v1.0",
            "itc_gener_auth": "ITSA (www.itsa.global)",
            "itc_class_ultimate_class": "EIN",
            "itc_class_parent_class": "EIN06"
            "itc_class": "TTS42ET03",
            "itc_order": "42240000",
            "itc_class_level": 4,
            "itc_class_label": "Ethereum ERC-1400 Standard Token",
            "itc_class_desc": "The Class \"Ethereum ERC-1400 Standard Token\" captures every Token that is implemented by means of the ERC-1400 Standard on top of the Ethereum Blockchain.",
            "itc_class_label_full": "TTS42ET03: Ethereum Application Layer Token > Ethereum ERC-1400 Standard Token",
            "itc_version": "v1.0",
            "itc_gener_auth": "ITSA (www.itsa.global)",
            "itc_class_ultimate_class": "TTS",
            "itc_class_parent_class": "TTS42ET"
            "itc_class": "LLC32",
            "itc_order": "43030000",
            "itc_class_level": 2,
            "itc_class_label": "Relative Rights Token",
            "itc_class_desc": "A Relative Rights Token does provide its holder (Token Holder) with a claim against a natural or legal counterparty and thus with relative rights towards a third party (e.g. the right to receive a payment from the counterparty, the right to receive access to a service offered by the counterparty or the right to vote within the Environment established by this counterparty). However, the Token does not provide its holder (Token Holder) with any absolute rights, except for the right to the Token itself.",
            "itc_class_label_full": "LLC32: Relative Rights Token",
            "itc_version": "v1.0",
            "itc_gener_auth": "ITSA (www.itsa.global)",
            "itc_class_ultimate_class": "LLC",
            "itc_class_parent_class": "LLC"
            "itc_class": "REU52",
            "itc_order": "45150000",
            "itc_class_level": 2,
            "itc_class_label": "Crypto Asset out of Scope of MiCA",
            "itc_class_desc": "The Category \"Crypto Asset out of Scope of MiCA\" captures every Token that is falling explicitly out of scope according to Article 2 of Regulation (EU) 2019/1937 or which appears not to be covered by MiCA otherwise.",
            "itc_class_label_full": "REU52: Crypto Asset out of Scope of MiCA",
            "itc_version": "v1.0",
            "itc_gener_auth": "ITSA (www.itsa.global)",
            "itc_class_ultimate_class": "REU",
            "itc_class_parent_class": "REU"
      "v1.1": []